Research schools
Research schools bring together doctoral education in multiple research disciplines within a common framework. These disciplines can span across various faculties and multiple academic institutions. Research schools offer courses relevant to the focus of the school and also provide opportunities for doctoral students to network and participate in meetings and conferences.
If you are admitted to a doctoral program, you can apply to participate in a research school. Research schools exist centrally at Lund University, at the faculty level, and at the department level. There may also be research schools outside of Lund University that could be of interest.
Research school within KILU
QDETAILSS (Quality DETection and Analysis of Liquid and Solid Samples) is a research school for doctoral students in the field of chemistry. The research school offers general courses that are relevant to doctoral students with research projects related to chemistry.
Within the research school, in addition to courses, there are excellent opportunities to meet other doctoral students in the field.
Every spring, QDETAILSS organizes a conference for young researchers - CHEMtogether.
The research school has admissions once a year (in the autumn). In November, the initial workshop is held where the new doctoral students have the opportunity to participate in four courses over two weeks, two of which are mandatory for doctoral students within KILU, and also get to know other newly admitted doctoral students.
Other Research schools at Lund University
Information about research schools at the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) is available on their respective websites:
Information about other research schools at Lund University can be found on the university's website: